Published - 2023

Auto glass repair and replacement work can be done by any auto repair shop

Tech news

An ever-increasing number of auto repair shops offer chip repair and window replacement to customers instead of passing them on. It's good customer service, a craft that auto mechanics can easily learn - and an upsell opportunity with good earnings.


Many workshop owners are looking for additional sales opportunities that can contribute to maintaining a stable turnover and bottom line. Here, glass work is an obvious option. Instead of sending the customers into the arms of the glass specialists or inviting some of the specialist companies in glass work into a corner of the workshop, the workshop can do the work itself - and get the profit that comes with it. Why send work out of the house, which you can do yourself - and which the customers also value as good service?

Get off to a fast start by offering stone chip repair
Previously, it was difficult to carry out chip repairs, it was expensive to get started and the repair process was time consuming. Today, there are repair kits at acquisition prices where everyone can participate. The repair process is much easier, and the repair time greatly reduced. Once you have carried out a stone chip repair a few times, the job only takes about five minutes.

The potential is great, because in most cases you will be able to find stone chips on at least 3 out of 10 cars that visit a workshop. At the workshop, you simply add a check for stone chips as a regular routine in connection with carrying out service inspections, wheel changes and repairs.

Expand with window replacement when you're ready for more
Also within window replacement, new systems and materials have made it less resource-intensive and less complicated to replace windscreens. Cutting can easily be done by just one person - and auxiliary systems for window handling and lifting can also be operated by just one person. The latest window glue does not require the use of extraction, which also helps to make the work much easier. With training and practice, it is also a relatively easy process to perform window replacement with a very good profit and additional upsell opportunities.


Upselling is good service
The choice of a workshop is clearly a matter of trust - and with good and professional advice, you can therefore easily offer the customer to carry out glass work. For most customers, it will simply add an extra layer to the already good workshop experience.

For both stone chip repair and windscreen replacement, you can easily explain to the customer that the wiper blades have most often been damaged by gliding across chips or cracks in the windscreen. In rainy weather, this is clearly seen by the wiper blades drawing streaks across the windscreen.

Auto glass work is not seasonal and can therefore provide a stable turnover throughout the year. For that reason, you should consider whether auto glass repair could be an area that can strengthen your business.

Remember to draw attention to your new business area
If you have the skills to do chip repair and window replacement at your workshop, don't hesitate to you’re your customers about it. Most customers probably don't expect their auto repair shop to perform auto glas repair and replacement. They are typically given the contact information for an auto glass glazing company with which the insurance has an agreement when they report a claim. It will therefore always be a good idea to draw attention to this service. Be it via signage on the facade, in the customer reception or at the workshop - and why not also take the opportunity to draw attention to it on the customer's invoice, in emails and on your website etc.