Kent Bakke, who together with his brother, has run a car workshop in Trysil for over 30 years, has since 2019 used TRISYS as a workshop and customer management system.
Kent Bakke, who was trained as a car mechanic in 1986 at Isbergs Personbil AS (today Bilia Personbil AS - part of Bilia AB and one of Europe's largest car chains), was one of the first members of the Automesterkæden to use TRISYS. The system replaced HELIOS, which members of the Automester chain have had the opportunity to use for workshop and customer management since 2000. "My expectations have been high, and I have not been disappointed in any way", Kent Bakke says, continuing: "My business has become so much more efficient, and I am sure that Autoplus+ administratively saves an entire man-year. In addition, for my 5 mechanics I have gone from being able to invoice 63% to now invoicing almost 100%. I will use the released time to give priority to the development of our real estate company, where we are engaged in the rental of apartments and industrial leases”.

As a member of the Automester chain's Mesterpanel Kent Bakke has participated very actively in the process of choosing the chain's new workshop and customer management system. Through this, he has both seen and tested many systems but has never been in doubt. “Of all the systems in the Norwegian market, TRISYS is a clear number 1. The system is in a completely different league than what we come from and have seen. TRISYS is developed on a web-based modern, as well as future-oriented, platform and can be individually adapted to each workshop's procedure and needs. For me as a workshop owner, for my administrative staff and my mechanics, TRISYS gives the full overview. In addition, it is simple and easy to operate”, explains Kent Bakke.

Kent Bakke has also played an important role in the process of adapting the system to the needs of the Norwegian workshops and continues: “The collaboration around the adaptation has been exemplary. The developers have been amazing listeners and have very quickly adapted the system to our needs. It has also been amazing to see how ideas for new features that have come from me have been further developed and added even more functionality and value. Here it is really noticeable how Peter Riis Hansen, project manager and system architect at Triscan, draws on years of experience in developing systems for workshop operations”. Kent Bakke has for instance contributed to the development of the part of the system in which the invoicing rate and the efficiency of the individual mechanic are calculated. The calculations in Br Bakkes Bilverksted's case form the basis for calculating bonus payments to the mechanics. “We still have new modules for TRISYS under development and I am very impressed with how fast it is going. At the same time, we benefit from many of the new modules that other workshop customers develop because the systems run on the same platform”.

At Br Bakkes Bilverksted, TRISYS is integrated with the financial system TRIPLETEX and a new cash register system from DUELL has just been put into operation. Exactly the integration into TRIPLETEX offers a lot of benefits", Kent Bakke says: “Creations of customers and vehicles are done exclusively in TRISYS with a few clicks via look-up on telephone and registration numbers. At the same time, we have TRISYS overview of what is invoiced - and what is not - and that is super”.

But AUTODATA and the spare parts catalog from Automotive United are also fully integrated into TRISYS. "It is simply so easy when all information and workflows are available and controlled from one system. Now that I have seen how TRISYS can be integrated with almost anything, I have a clear goal of going completely paperless within a year. We have already initiated many environmental improvement measures and have received a certification as ”Miljøfyrtårn” (Environmental lighthouse)".
The workshop also uses the rental module in TRISYS to manage the workshop's loaner cars. “Reservations and preparation of lease contracts are very simple. In the case of regular and loyal customers, we register their driver's license number in the customer management tool, which of course is automatically transferred to the lease contract together with the customer's other information”.
Kent Bakke knows several colleagues who also use the system's tire hotel successfully, but in Trysil it is the colleague who runs Supedæk Service (Super Tire Service) further down the road that operates on that market - and Kent Bakke does not intend to change that.
Br Bakkes Bilverksted
In 1990, Kent Bakke and his brother took over Trysil's Texaco gas station and 2 years later they started their workshop. In 1997 the gas station was sold off and the brothers continued with the workshop. The workshop has 2 customer service employees, 1 spare part coordinator and 5 mechanics with 6 lifts. In October 2000, the workshop became part of the newly established workshop concept Automester. Kent Bakke has been a committed and prominent member of the workshop chain's Mesterpanel (Master Panel) for almost 15 years. The workshop's customers include both private customers, companies, public institutions - including police and ambulance driving. All mechanics are continuously upgrading their skills and are also servicing as well as repairing electric and hybrid cars. Initially, it was the wholesaler Bergs who supplied the spare parts. After a number of years Bergs was bought up by the wholesaler Autoudstyr, which later became Hellanor then NDS-group and now Automotive United.

About Trysil
Trysil is a major destination for skiing and is considered one of Norway's best ski areas. This tourism is of great economic importance to the municipality and there is massive investment in the expansion of the ski area..

The ski area Trysilfjellet, of which Trysil town is a part of, is at an altitude of 350-1,100 meters above sea level. There are a total of 65 pistes and 32 lifts; of these 17 rope tows, 6 chair lifts and 9 children ski lifts.
In 2013, Trysil received the certification "Sustainable Tourism", which is a quality certificate awarded to sustainable travel destinations that work systematically to reduce environmental impact.
In recent years, Trysil has invested many millions in bicycle tourism so that they can keep up with tourism throughout the year. Especially mountain biking is popular in Trysil, where you have built lots of trails and tracks for mountain biking. Especially the area of Gullia and their biggest bike attraction Magic Moose is popular among mountain bikers.