At the end of November last year, Wibotec moved from their headquarters in Silkeborg to our headquarters in Brabrand. The move-in went smoothly and right from the start there has been great synergy. As with Triscan, Wibotec prospers with a large customer intake and interesting projects in the pipeline.
Sales growth across the board
On the sales side, Wibotec can note progress in both national and international sales. Several interesting projects are being worked on, for which the veil cannot be lifted yet. Especially in relation to international sales, it has been a great advantage right from the start to have the support of Triscan's sales organization. The physical proximity has strengthened the relationship further - and when it makes sense - made it extra easy to include Wibotec in Triscan's customer visits.
Extra resources for marketing
Since Triscan became co-owner of Wibotec back in 2021, Triscan's marketing department has performed many of the tasks associated with marketing. With the increased activity, it has been necessary to add more resources. Maria Ellyton has been hired in a part-time position where she primarily works with Wibotec-related tasks.
Marketing Assistant, Maria Ellyton, Wibotec A/S
Purchasing improvements in several areas
As on the sales side, physical proximity has also had a positive impact on the purchasing side. Through the collaboration with Triscan's product and purchasing department, Wibotec has achieved good results. Not only purchase savings have been achieved, but also product and quality improvements that ultimately benefit users.
Greater flexibility in production
Several of Wibotec's products – including the various kits for repair – are assembled by Wibotec's own employees. When capacity is not sufficient, help is usually available from Triscan's production unit and its employees, who are located right next to Wibotec's production facilities.

Production, Wibotec A/S
Academy for both traditional and online teaching
In addition to taking over the showroom, which was designed for Wibotec's products at Triscan, a classroom has also been set up. The room is designed in such a way that it is suitable for both traditional and online teaching.
About Wibotec
WIBOTEC offers the most comprehensive range of state-of-the-art systems and tools for repair and replacement of auto glass. All Wibotec inventions are developed, designed and tested together with specialists in the automotive glass industry. Wibotec's product range is marketed under the name Wibotec, CobraXpro and in private label brand.